Dream Home Property Management
Nila De Silva
Broker/Owner, Real Estate, Rental & Property Management
I work hard for you to make your Dream come true!
CalDRE Lic# 01304572

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  • My children with affected orphans in Sri Lanka

  • Janaka (14)

  • Manel (17)

Sri Lankan Orphans Receive Education & Support
With Your Assistance

The Tragedy

On December 26th, 2004, a powerful earthquake beneath the Indian Ocean caused an enormous amount of destruction and devastation. The tsunami that washed out numerous communities throughout the affected areas was a deeply impacting natural disaster that left thousands homeless, orphaned, injured, and dead.

The Support

Fortunately, the rest of the world was quick to react with their sympathy and acts of kindness by donating clothing, supplies, and funds to the affected countries in need of assistance. However, while this heartwarming show of support has helped the process of rebuilding the damage, the process of rebuilding individual lives is a bit more difficult, especially for orphaned children. 

The Children

With help from my clients, I was able to sponsor two children in Sri Lanka this summer: Janaka who lost his father, and Manel who lost both her parents. This ensures their education and assists them in rebuilding their individual lives. 

Special Thanks

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank those who have helped the effort to rebuild the lives of these children by selling, buying, or referring clients to me, and without whom this would not be possible: Mr. & Mrs. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Peiris, Mr. & Mrs. Amerajeewa, Mr. & Mrs. Mc Intyre, Mr. & Mrs. Suarez, Kristin Reeves, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Tenggren, Mr. & Mrs. Chandrasekera, Mr. & Mrs. Orozco, and Ms. Gunaratne.  Many thanks to Sue Mudalige for making all of this possible by providing information about the orphanage.



Dream Home Property Management

DRE# 01304572

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